【展会时间】2015年1月16-19日 【举办地点】河内讲武展览中心 【主办单位】越南世纪展览CEG 市场介绍 2013年越南经济稳定与迅速增长:越南成为亚洲经济发展速度最快的国家之一,也是世界发展中国家国民经济稳定增长的国家之一。房建、公路、电站等基础设施建设项目不断上马,居民私人住宅建设也出现了新一轮的热潮。 越南城市的公共基础设施并不完善,尤其体现在灯饰照明及电缆上,走在越南的城镇
DeBeers,这个曾经垄断全球九成的钻石原石达一个世纪之久的钻石垄断企业,如今正在开启新的征程,这一次你也许打破头也想不到,是(人工)钻石CPU,一种将把现有电脑微处理器主频提高十倍的新型CPU。 今天,DeBeers公司正在致力于成为人工钻石微处理器的主要原材料供应商,众所周知,钻石是地球上最好的热导体,使用钻石制作的CPU主频将能轻松达到现有CPU的10-20倍而不烧毁。 戏剧性的是,仅
肉眼是没有办法区别钻石是天然、合成还是经过处理,靠谱的证书非常重要。然而你却发现出具钻石证书的机构不止一所,你一定好奇过不同的证书所带来的鉴定和分级结果是不是会存在不同。钻石有DNA,那这些证书是不是也有DNA?今天编辑带你解密各具特色的钻石证书。 GIA证书 全称:GemologicallnstituteofAmerica 中文名:美国珠宝学院 起始年份:1931年 证书地位:创造
DIAMONDDECT 3 TAIDIAM TECHNOLOGY (ZHENGZHOU) CO., LTD DiamondDect 3 is a portable desktop diamond verification instrument for mounted and loose stones. DiamondDect 3 is designed to separate diamonds from synthetic diamonds. DiamondDect 3 is manually operated but gives an automatic test result. DiamondDect 3 is suitable for an environment where you need to test both mounted and loose diamonds e.g. dealers, diamond and jewellery manufacturers, retailers, buyers and gemmological laboratories. Stone Capabilities Weight of stones: 0.005 ct - 10 ct Size of stones: 1mm - 10mm Colour of stones: D-J Shape of stones: ALL Diamond simulants: NO Jewellery: YES Instrument Capabilities Automatically feed the stones? NO Automatically interpret the results? YES Automatically dispense the stones? NO Detect or refer synthetic diamonds? DETECT Multiple stones at one time? NO Training? NO DiamondDect 3 was tested in accordance with the Diamond Verification Instrument Standard with the test protocol for instruments that separate diamonds from synthetic diamonds (Operating Category 1). The tests took place at the independent laboratory UL in Canton, Massachusetts, United States. DiamondDect was tested with the ASSURE Core Sample that consists of 1,000 diamonds and 200 synthetic diamonds. The stones are 0.02 ct to 0.20 ct in D-J colour. The below results are from the test with the ASSURE Core Sample. The tests were performed by a novice operator. The most important requirement when selecting a Diamond Verification Instrument is that the instrument meets the safety regulations of your local jurisdiction. Before purchasing an instrument, request that the manufacturer verifies that their instrument complies with all regulatory requirements Click here to download the safety testing credential for DiamondDect 3 submitted by Taidiam. Please note that the safety testing credentials have not been validated through the ASSURE Program. ACCORDING TO TAIDIAM TECHNOLOGY
DIAMONDDECT 5 TAIDIAM TECHNOLOGY (ZHENGZHOU) CO., LTD DiamondDect 5 is a desktop diamond verification instrument for mounted and loose stones. DiamondDect 5 is designed to separate diamonds from HPHT synthetic diamonds. DiamondDect 5 is manually operated but gives an automatic test result. DiamondDect 5 is suitable for an environment where you need to test both mounted and loose diamonds e.g. dealers, diamond and jewellery manufacturers, retailers, buyers and gemmological laboratories. 5,730 USD (February 2019) [email protected] +86 371 66869111